Learn how to make this simple a-frame garden trellis using welded wire fencing and a pair of wire cutters! Great for growing cucumbers and squash--both plants that need a trellis to grow and spread out.

Summer is almost here! In the south (South Carolina to be exact) we've had a wonderfully cool spring season which has caused our herb garden to really take off. Sometimes it can become so hot that the humidity kills the plants but it's looking like this spring/summer might be different. We had some left over welded wire from another project and decided to build an a-frame garden trellis for our cucumbers.
Welded wire is normally used for garden fencing or between wooden fence posts but it made a great trellis since the wire is very stiff and durable. This project is similar to the copper trellis that we made using chicken wire and copper pipes from the plumbing department at Lowes.
Wire Cutters
Tape Measure
Step 1: Measure the Width of Your Garden
Measure how wide your will need your A-frame to be by measuring the width of your garden. Our raised garden bed is small, measuring about 2ft 5in so we cut the wire to about 2.5' W x 6' L so it stood 3' tall when folded in half.
Step 2: Cut Your Wire
While wearing gloves, cut your wire with wire cutters to your desired measurement. Make sure you have heavy duty wire cutters because the gauge on most welded wire fencing is pretty tough to cut. It helps to bend the wire first back and forth so it's easier to cut.
Step 3: Fold Welded Wire in Half
Longways, fold your welded wire piece in half. It helps to stand on the wire or put something heavy on top so it will bend completely. Adjust until you have a tented shape. Then simply install on top of your garden and arrange your cucumber or squash plant so it will be trained to climb along the wire.
And that's it! A very simple project but you can see from the photos below that the a-frame frees up a lot of space in your garden bed for other herbs to grow while the cucumber plant stretches it's vine.
Do you have any garden projects you want to be featured on Makers Corners? Make sure to follow us on Instagram and tag us with #makerscorners!
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