This month we are shining the spotlight on two makers-- DIY Cozy Home and Southern Hospitality Blog. We take a peak into all of their diy and garden projects that are perfect for any budget!
DIY Cozy Home is run by Kristen and her husband David and they share a love of chicken wire and all things farmhouse like we do! We found their blog through an article on Pinterest they shared about diy chicken wire craft ideas. We love the chicken wire light fixture and hanging fruit basket!
Their blog is full of great ideas ranging from ways to improve your home's crub appeal to participating in their declutter challange. We love to upcycle and use what's on hand and it seems like DIY Cozy Home fits perfectly into that mold as well.
They also have a great section on gardening and with spring right around the corner--now's the time to research what you want to plant and grow this coming year.
Our second maker for our maker spotlight is She has a great variety of DIY, upcycled thrifts and and she even features other bloggers like we do with a Feature Friday! Rhoda has been blogging for 12 years so she is a true pro with tons of inspirational projects and ideas.
Her travel section is also a good read as you plan our your vacation and time off in 2019. We loved her pictures of Cap Cod and can see how her travel and style carry over into how she decorates.
Makers come in all shapes and sizes and we love stumbling across other creatives who inspire us to make more! Makers Corners focuses on projects for the home and garden that aim to create, fix and grow the spaces inside and outside your home.